MongoDB Workshop
learned multiple concepts under the mentorship of Mr. Vimal Daga
Day 1:
- File systems are used to store data in files and directories in storage devices like Hard Disks.
- Data Model refers to the method of storage and organization of data in storage devices.
- Databases can be of SQL or NoSQL types. SQL stores only structured data in a fixed schema while NoSQL allows storage of data in unstructured form
- MS Excel is one of the most common tools to work with databases and tables.
- The insert operation adds or appends data into a tale
- Document-oriented DB are NoSQL databases where each record (document) and the fields defined for it are independent of other documents.
- Configuration of MongoDB server (MongoD) depends on the OS. In the case of Windows, simply running the mongo command starts the server in the background, while in other OS like Linux, we need to start it explicitly.
- JSON is a format recognized by MongoDB and used for working with data in MongoDB
- CRUD = Create, Read, Update and Delete. It refers to the 4 basic operations we can perform on the data in DBs in MongoDB
- Compass is a GUI tool that can be used to interact with the MongoDB server
- We can upload datasets in MongoDB by importing the files they are stored in…
Day 2:
- indexing is used to increase the performance of the database by checking the data in it in High speed manner.
- the data provided in the database we share the data in different systems based on the working spaces we have by distributing called as replica set.
The data sorting by the giving range of data and that data is provided to every system of the connected pcs
-In cluster to avoid the problem of depending of only one system we uses the connection different system named as replica set. a special kind of data structures . Without using indexes MongoDB has to scan the whole data in a collections i.e COLLSCAN or Collection Scan , using indexes it uses stage IXSCAN.
- Sharding simply means breaking up of a large tables into small ones.
- Replication set provides redundancy and HA of the data.
- Adding more than one index for filtering process.
- MongoDB Atlas creates a cluster.